Today we will be meeting an athlete by the name of Diego De Souza Rosa, he is 29 years old and comes from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. He has been training for 13 years and has been competing in bodybuilding for 5 years in over 10 different countries! Diego has competed and been 2x Overall State Champion, Brazilian Champion (2016), 2x Top 6 Worldwide (Hungary 2015 and Poland 2016), Top 3 Arnold Classic Ohio, 2x Top 2 South American (Peru 2015 and Argentina 2017), Mercosur Champion Pro (Chile - 2019) and in only 3 of those championships wasn't in the top 6 best overall. All of which makes for a very impressive track record in the Men's Physique Pro division. Diego shared a moment with us and told us a few things.
Give us a small intro about yourself.
My name is Diego Rosa, I’m From Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I started training at 16 and competing at 24. I participated in 28 championships and did not qualify among the 6 best in just 3 championships. I have competed in 10 different countries. I like to play guitar and sing, I was a singer when I was younger. I like to travel also.
What first got you into the gym initially? Did a friend introduce you into it, maybe a family member? What influenced you to first set foot in a gym?
I always liked the muscular physique appearance and when I started working at 16 I decided to improve my own physique because I was a very thin teenager back then.
What was your initial motivation when you began training and going to the gym?
I was my own source of motivation because I was very thin back then didn’t like it so I worked to improve it.
What is your favorite thing about the gym? Perhaps a specific goal with strength or health goals, etc?
What I like most about the gym has to be the fact that it changes people's lives both aesthetically and in terms of their own health.
For someone who is considering going to the gym for the first time ever, what are 3 tips you would give them that you would have liked to have known yourself when you first began?
Focus, persistence and willpower. Understanding that the changing process takes time so enjoy the process.
What are some long term & short term goals you have for your current training and bodybuilding?
I am currently want and need to gain more lean mass so I'm working on that goal. Just being patient and enjoying the process.
What are some other hobbies or interests that are important for you besides training and bodybuilding? Any musical instrument interests? etc.
I love to sing and play the guitar, have been doing it since I was younger.
How does KN Nutrition empower you?
KN Nutrition helps me with supplementation and getting to my best potential with their products.
What does training mean to you?
For me it definitively has been the best thing that happened to my life.
What is the KN Nutrition product line or specific product that benefits you the most and you think provides a big help for other possible athletes?
Certainly the Kryptonite pre-workout because it helps have the energy and strength needed for my training sessions.